Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 98 | Septiembre 1989



Agreements and Accords: Nicaragua and Honduras

Envío team

Bilateral Accord Between Nicaragua and Honduras

Unofficial Translation

The President of the Republic of Honduras, José Azcona Hoyo and the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega Saavedra;

Acting in their role as chief executive of their respective States and with the moral and political support of Presidents Vinicio Cerezo of Guatemala, Alfredo Cristiani of El Salvador, and Oscar Arias Sánchez of Costa Rica;

Inspired by the noble purpose of maintaining peace, friendship and cooperation between the Republics of Nicaragua and Honduras, countries united by strong historical ties of friendship and brotherhood;

Keeping in mind the commitment ratified in the Esquipulas Accords of August 7, 1987, of preventing the use of one's national territory to attack other States;

Keeping in mind also the Declaration of Costa del Sol of February 14, 1989, where the Central American Presidents pledged to "prepare in a period of no more than 90 days, a Joint Plan for the Demobilization and Voluntary Repatriation or Relocation in Nicaragua and in Third Countries of the Members of the Nicaraguan Resistance and their Families," and

Motivated by the will to always maintain open the possibility of resolving differences through peaceful means, including the International Court of Justice to resolve controversies that threaten the peace and security between States,


To agree to an extrajudicial agreement in relation to the procedure brought by Nicaragua against Honduras before the International Court of Justice on July 28, 1986. The aforesaid agreement is based on the following:

A) On August 7, 1989, a Joint Plan for the Demobilization and Voluntary Repatriation or Relocation of the Nicaraguan Resistance and Their Families was agreed upon. The execution of this Plan shall begin immediately after the establishment of the International Commission of Support and Verification (CIAV), no later than September 6, and shall end 90 days thereafter by means of a certification signed by the Secretaries General of the United Nations and the Organization of American States attesting to the complete fulfillment of the Plan.

B) The presence of the Contra and their camps in Honduras does not contribute to the democratic process already underway in Nicaragua. The President of Honduras commits himself to officially convey, in the appropriate manner, before the United Nations Security Council a petition by his government to form and dispatch to Honduran Territory an International Peace Force to impede the use of Honduran territory by irregular forces.

C) Once compliance with all the previous points has been achieved and certified in the corresponding report by the International Commission of Support and Verification, in accordance with the Joint Plan for Demobilization, Nicaragua will desist from the procedures against Honduras in the International Court of Justice.

The President of Nicaragua, confident that the Government of Honduras will lend its full cooperation in order to comply in good faith with the Joint Plan for Demobilization, within the established time period, commits the Government of Nicaragua to request from the International Court of Justice a postponement of the presentation of the memorial on merits until the date when, in accordance with the Joint Plan, an official report on compliance has been presented.

Upon receiving the official report of the International Commission of Support and Verification on the compliance with this Joint Plan, Nicaragua shall desist from the procedures against Honduras in the International Court of Justice.

Signed in the city of Tela, Republic of Honduras, on the seventh day of August, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine.

President of the Republic of Nicaragua

President of the Republic of Honduras

also signed by:

President of the Republic of El Salvador

President of the Republic of Guatemala

President of the Republic of Costa Rica

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Agreements and Accords: Nicaragua and Honduras
Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America