Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 411 | Octubre 2015



Image at all cost
The government is only offering halfway measures for the outbreaks of violence on the Caribbean coast, the severe drought in a large part of the country, and uncertainties about the proposed canal’s environmental and financial viability. Hunger and violence have no place in the image of Nicaragua being peddled. A “blessed” country attractive to investors and the dream of the interoceanic canal are critical to the image that’s expected to see Ortega reelected once more. ... continuar...


FENACOOP FORCIBLY “DISSOLVED” On September 3, paradoxically the Day of the Peasant, the presidency ordered the Ministry of the Family, Community, Cooperative and Associative Economy to forcibly... continuar...


We have to expand our thinking to understand the conflicts on the coast
This researcher into the rural—particularly indigenous—world and facilitator of organizational innovation and development processes shares his unique perspective and reflections on the cultural aspects of the North Caribbean Coast’s indigenous and mestizo populations that underlie the land conflicts reaching a boiling point there ... continuar...


A longstanding need: Credit for the rural poor
Poverty is greatest in Nicaragua’s rural zones. How do the rural poor survive? How has their world changed? What’s the history of rural credit? Are the banks and micro-financing institutions offering credit to the poorest in the countryside today? ... continuar...

El Salvador

The steep road to gender equity
“We have to transform our way of thinking and our machista culture; we have to change,” said President Salvador Sánchez Cerén on International Women’s Day this year. One step forward, two steps back... That’s how change has been on the steep road of gender equity, but a long stretch has been traveled ... continuar...


The many preludes to the 2015 mobilizations
Some described the August 27 demonstration demanding President Pérez Molina’s resignation as «the largest demonstration in the country’s history.» Up to 120,000 protested in Guatemala City’s Central Square: Big numbers, big words, resonating with memory, reflection and historic comparisons. Let’s recall some of this mobilization’s many preludes... ... continuar...


Words for building“our common house”
With his speech to a packed and expectant plenary, Pope Francis opened the UN’s 70th General Assembly Session, in which all the world’s countries pledged to meet the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. These were his words, which received several ovations.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America