Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 405 | Abril 2015



Is Ortega’s project sinking in the quicksand?
Both the national and international scenes have experienced many changes between 2010 and 2015, Nicaragua’s previous and current pre-electoral years. Daniel Ortega is gearing up for yet another reelection after more than eight years of “responsible populism” shot through with his exclusionary authoritarianism. But both his opponents and his allies are aware that it just might all be coming to an end. ... continuar...


IMF MISSION VISIT An International Monetary Fund mission visited Nicaragua for a week between March 4 and 11. Even though Nicaragua has not had a program with it since 2012, the IMF visits the... continuar...


A country’s foreign policy must defend national interests
This former Nicaraguan foreign minister and ambassador to both the United States and Canada (1997-2001) shares his views on Nicaragua’s foreign relations in today’s world. ... continuar...


What the bishops are saying about the canal Project
The members of Nicaragua’s Bishops’ Conference have referred to the government’s interoceanic canal project on two occasions. The first was as one point of a longer document they delivered to President Ortega on May 21, 2014… and to which they never received a response. The second was in their Message for Lent this March 8, and included five more expansive and concrete points on the issue. We include both below. ... continuar...

El Salvador

The Right is trying to use the elections for its claim of a “failed State”
Between 2009 and 2014 the Salvadoran Right began to lose both its hegemony in the political field and the absolute control it once had in the state institutions. It’s thus no surprise its cries of “failed State” have been getting louder. Convincing the national population and the international community that El Salvador is a failed State seems to be its strategic ploy to recover its lost power. ... continuar...


The traditional elites in a struggle with the emerging elites
Guatemala isn’t drowning, it’s effervescing. Despite all the crises, there’s hope that this one, a struggle between traditional and emerging elites, will ultimately result in the country’s growth and regeneration. But that will only happen after the system that emerged in 1985 takes its last gasp and dies, making way for another system that is not a child of the military men who won the war and interred the peace accords, among them Otto Pérez Molina, the country’s current President.... continuar...


The American Dream’s anteroom is Mexico’s nightmare, Solid and liquid border vigilance, part 1
The United States, with Mexico as its underling, has created a corridor of solid and liquid vigilance over the amalgam of drugs, terrorism and immigrants. Mexico has pawned its own sovereignty to be a platform where US anti-drug, -terrorist and –immigrant organizations can directly patrol, investigate, amass and assess information, and witness interrogations and torture.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America