Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 161 | Diciembre 1994



Decollectivization: Agrarian Reform
It is not a matter of violence or illegality. The fact is that small farmers are losing their lands because they are selling them. Why do they do it? In order to stop this agrarian counterreform it is necessary to change the focus, to defend the proprietors more than the property. It is necessary to listen to the producers: what do they want to do with the lands they received? ... continuar...


Nicaragua: Through a Glass Darkly
The budget drawn up by the executive has many dark corners: “confidential” expenditures, incomes and spending that always appear undevalued, undefined items. Whose job is it to bring light to such darkness?... continuar...


A STRIKE WARNING On October 25, 80% of the health workers throughout Nicaragua stopped their labors for a day, except for emergency care, to demand a 100% salary increase and a better supply... continuar...

El Salvador

Peace is Built of Many Pieces
Without attacking corruption there will never be honesty enough to lift up the country. Without transfer of lands there will be no peace in the countryside. Witouth agreement on the economy the same pre-war injustice will continue. Peace is constructed with a lot of pieces.... continuar...


Where is the Guerrilla's Tomb?
Public opinion has been moved by the case of Efraín Bámaca, the guerrilla leader who was “disappeared” in 1992, and that of Jennifer Harbury, his U.S. wife who is on a hunger strike in front of the National Palace. The President has been placed on the spot, and even the CIA has become involved. ... continuar...


World Bank and IMF: Guilty as Charged
In October the IMF and the World Bank were 50 years old. The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, a prestigious international organization, met in Madrid to render judgment on these institutions. It analyzed evidence and heard expert witnesses. The sentence issued was: GUILTY. The IMF and World Bank policies violate human rights and the rights of the peoples They are homicidal policies.... continuar...


Roots of the Colombia-Nicaragua Territorial Dispute
Atiny and anomalous document from 1803, which was only in effect for a scant three years and never had any practical consequences, has served right up to today as the pretext for Colombia to claim a... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America