Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 90 | Enero 1989



Just the Facts: Damage Figures From Hurricane Joan
Facts at a Glance - 2100 km of roads suffered heavy damage. - 36 bridges were rendered unusable - Total damage to agricultural infrastructure exceeds $56.2 million - Amount of food... continuar...


Bush and Latin America: The View from Nicaragua
To roll back the Cuban revolution after Fidel's death, to wage a low-intensity war against Nicaragua to the bitter end, to consider backing a coup d’état in Brazil—these are a few of the alarming recommendations... continuar...


SUCCESSES IN SPUDS If one goal of this year's economic measures was to make production more efficient and cut down on costly imports, peasant potato producers from San Ramón, Matagalpa, have... continuar...


Toll Rises from Hurricane Joan: Emergency as Daily Life
On November 15, President Daniel Ortega officially lifted the state of emergency in effect since October 20, two days before Hurricane Joan battered the country. Even as he did so, however, he stressed... continuar...


Nicaragua and Sisyphus
(Excerpted from the October 29 commentary on the hurricane by Sofia Montenegro in Barricada ) Damned country! Driven into the ground again! How many times must we retrace our steps? How many... continuar...


The Last Word
“Bush’s victory is good for the opposition,” said Ramiro Gurdián, head of the opposition group, the Coordinadora Demócratica . “This keeps alive the threat of the use of force against Nicaragua.”... continuar...


Bluefileños Gettin’ It Together
It is commonly said that every cloud has a silver lining. So, apparently, do hurricanes. In Bluefields, the bright side is a new and previously unknown level of organization. Through their participation... continuar...


Human Rights: Three Critiques of Contra Human Rights Agency
Six months ago contra leader Enrique Bermúdez offered this candid prediction: “The fight will take another configuration… We will see more sabotage, maybe attacks on Sandinista personalities,... continuar...

El Salvador

Continue the Low-Intensity Conflict Or Go for Total War?
With the Reagan era winding down and the Bush presidency yet to gell, events in El Salvador are moving forward at a frantic pace that could well have far-reaching consequences for the entire region.... continuar...


Waging Peace
The Central American peace plan has dropped out of the news these days, pushed to back pages by more startling developments in the Middle East, Angola, Namibia and Afghanistan. Since the contra ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America