Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 453 | Abril 2019



A year after the April rebellion: Still resisting and searching for resolution
It looked good for Daniel Ortega to enter into negotiations given the international isolation he has brought upon himself. Most Nicaraguans urgently want an agreement resulting in fair, transparent and early elections, the release of all political prisoners and justice for the victims of repression, They want to regain confidence in the country’s future, which will help breathe life back into the stagnant economy. While they hoped Ortega would negotiate in good faith, he showed no desire to reach substantive agreements or comply with the minimal ones signed as first steps. It has now been a full year since last April’s rebellion. People are tired but their resistance and their efforts to find a solution are undeterred.... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
ON THE IACHR BLACK LIST Back on December 21, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) added Nicaragua to its “black list” for the first time since 1993. That list is reserved... continuar...


“Even with the best agreements, the economy won’t recover until 2023
This economist, an analyst, of economic intelligence and foreign aid issues shares facts and his reflections about the serious economic crisis Nicaragua is experiencing. ... continuar...


The lasting imprint of pain and indignation
Last month we offered our readers the first half of Chapter Eleven of the GIEI report, dedicated to giving voice to victims and their families. Here we offer the second half, in which theGIEI team spoke with women, children and Monimbó+’s indigenous population. After collecting stories full of anxiety and uncertainty, commitment and determination, they concluded that the wounds and the imprint of both pain and indignation that remain as a result of this violent period will be very difficult to heal unless Nicaragua decides to undertake a process of transitional justice: to know the truth, ensure justice is done, guarantee reparations and avoid repetition of tragedies like this one. ... continuar...

América Latina

How does a country escape a gradual dictatorship?
The solution to Venezuela’s political-economic-humanitarian crisis after the Maduro regime’s progressive repression of democracy has become extremely difficult and complicated. And the solution to Nicaragua’s own multifaceted crisis, also involving transitioning from a dictatorship to democracy, is turning out to be similarly arduous and complex. How does a country get out from under a dictatorship? Although there is no manual explaining how it can be done, this author offers important lessons learned from other experiences. ... continuar...


We’re living in the Anthropocene and the end has already begun
The scientific community is starting to use the term Anthropocene to demarcate the new age of unceasing environmental ravages. It is distinguished from the current geological age called Holocene— the roughly 11,650 years of warming following the last ice age— in recognition of the destructive impact human beings are causing on the Earth’s ecosystems via the capital accumulation system. The responses so far to the end of the world as we know it, apart from simple denial, can be grouped into three categories; portending the collapse of capitalist-driven consumer-based civilization, attempting to save it using dangerous geo-engineering measures, and individual and collective decisions to resist and opt out of it, recognizing our interdependent relationship with the whole of nature.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America