Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 312 | Julio 2007



The Ortega-Murillo Project: Personal, Family, National or International?
The FSLN’s first six months in office coincide with the anniversary celebration of the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship, the feat that brought it to power the first time around. Comparisons between that project and this one are inevitable, as are speculations on where this one thinks it’s heading 28 years later.... continuar...


DRUG TRAFFICKING AND THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM As the National Police (PN) continued hammering away at the logistics of the international drug trade entrenched in Nicaragua, three Sandinista judges... continuar...


“We’re Still Concerned about the Human Rights Situation”
A veteran human rights activist reflects on the promotion and defense of human rights in the new setting created by the governing FSLN.... continuar...


From Citizen-as-Ward to Citizen-as-Client With No Solutions in Sight
In the 1980s, the social benefits of the revolution gave us the status of citizen-as-ward, while in the 1990s, the privatization of those benefits gave us the new market-based status of citizen-as-client. This analytical look at 27 years of social policy ends with some projections about the future of Nicaragua’s citizen-poor with the FSLN’s return to power.... continuar...

El Salvador

Beware the President’s Inner Soldier
On Soldier’s Day, El Salvador’s President Saca, who is also Commander General of the country’s armed forces, surprised the nation with a speech that expressed his vision of the Salvadoran army’s past and present work . In doing so he revealed his inner soldier, which can only be a cause for alarm.... continuar...


Rigoberta Menchú: A Shooting Star in the Electoral Sky?
“We’ll build trust among Guatemalans so we can have a better future… We’ll pull people together to share the vision of the country we all want… We’ll make Guatemala into a new, more humane, inclusive, multicultural republic.” These were Rigoberta Menchú’s words when she announced her decision to run for President. Why does her bright star seem to have burned out so quickly?... continuar...


Insecurity, Criminality, Hidden Powers and Visible Roots
Honduran society has become permeated with fear, anxiety and insecurity. The hidden powers of organized crime, which are linked to the public powers, are behind a rising rate of homicides, extortion, kidnapping and even massacres. As the government loses control, the roots of the insecurity become more visible. They include the impoverishment of the majority, panic about daily survival and anguish about a future with no opportunities.... continuar...

América Latina

The Ignored Contradiction between Modern State and Providential God
When analyzing our societies’ political and social realities, Latin America’s social sciences indefensibly and inexplicably ignore the religious culture dominating most of our populations and conditioning their political culture. We live in modern, formally democratic states in the “legal country,” but in the “real” one we’re the subjects of a pre-modern God who blocks any awareness of citizenship.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America