Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 251 | Junio 2002



FLOOD DISASTER The rains that fell across the country, especially the Pacific, between May 27 and 29 obliged the government to decree a state of natural disaster on May 30. Flooding, overflowing... continuar...


Digital Time in the National Culture: Underdevelopment.com.ni
Have the new technologies made us more human? And how are we Nicaraguans, notorious for idling and digressing, living in digital time, this moment in which the revolution is in communications rather than in politics? ... continuar...


Will the Fight against Corruption Bring a Lasting Climatic Change?
Will the positive climate being blown our way by the fight against corruption be a lasting one? Given the ferocious resistance to the change, reasonable uncertainty is starting to wither the bloom of hope. ... continuar...


With the War Long Over in Ixcán, The Peace of the Accords Is Still to Come
It has been over five years since the end of the war, but the Peace Accords have yet to be fulfilled. How is the process going in Ixcán, one of the regions most wounded by war and most in need of reconciliation and development? ... continuar...


Journalist, Legislator, Lawyer… And Sexual Abuser
The case of David Romero Ellner, accused by his own daughter of sexual abuse, has shaken Honduran society, motivating many other women to wake up to this abuse of power and denounce it. ... continuar...


Open Files in an Aborted Transition
Elitist policies persist. The country is more dependent on the Unites States. The transition to democracy has stalled and appears to have been aborted. Human rights violations continue. And, in Chiapas, peace is far away. ... continuar...


Central America: The FTAA Guinea Pig?
With the FTAA inexorably heading our way, we need a bold yet realistic strategy for negotiating with the United States. We should be searching for such a strategy together, with less rhetoric and more coordination. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America