Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 203 | Junio 1998



Days of Smoke and Tears
There are so many crises and they are so interrelated. There are so many perplexities, so much skepticism, so much smoke and so many tears that perhaps we have now touched bottom and nothing remains but to begin the climb out of the abyss, to begin bit by bit, together, rebuilding all that has tumbled down.... continuar...


"We Need a National Accord to Control Corruption"
By Danilo Aguirre, journalist, lawyer and National Assembly representative from 1984 to 1997-first with the FSLN and then with the MRS-who participated in one of the commissions that investigated the narcojet scandal. In a talk looking toward the future, he shared with envío his views on past and present corruption in Nicaragua. ... continuar...


ELECTION IRREGULARITIES INVESTIGATED The Interamerican Human Rights Commission (CIDH), a Washington-based agency of the Organization of American States, communicated officially last month that... continuar...

El Salvador

Left and Right in the Pre-Electoral Winds
The presidential elections of March 1999 already appear on the political horizon. Will the right withdraw its already proclaimed “laboratory” candidate? What presidential slate will the left decide on? Who will win, ARENA or the FMLN? What would be the most advantageous for the future of El Salvador? ... continuar...

América Latina

"We Need Fair Trade, Not Free Trade"
The Peoples of America Summit was held in Santiago, Chile, on April 15-18 as an alternative meeting to the Presidents of America Summit called by the United States to speed up continental free trade agreements. The following is the Final Declaration of the Peoples of America Summit.... continuar...


Putting Life Before Debt
Catholic NGOs with much worldwide prestige and influence, taking advantage of the Jubilee to be celebrated in the year 2000, have committed themselves en earnest to an international campaign to demand the cancellation of the external debt of the poorest nations.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America