Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 191 | Junio 1997



Is a Pro-Agriculture Policy Possible?
There will be no economic recovery nor any reduction of the poverty of the majority if Nicaragua does not overcome the anti-agrarian policies of recent years. Resolving to do so is to undertake a path full of challenges and dilemmas. Will the Alemán government make the commitment?... continuar...


The Style of an Authoritarian Caudillo
Nicaragua needs a change in presidential style, for reasons of both democratic imperative and political realism. It needs a president that is dedicated more to governing for everybody and less to fighting with everybody at the same time. ... continuar...


The Crisis of the Barricades
“Either yield, or get out!” “Alemán, remember Bucaram!” Such were the cries at the roadblocks. The crisis of seized highways climaxed the first hundred days of the Liberal government and raised a lot of questions.... continuar...


The Urgent Need for A Social Contract
Anti-Sandinismo and anti-Somocismo are two “familiar demons” for Nicaraguans. Overcoming these demons is the first step for reaching consensus on a social contract that will remove us from crisis and launch us towards the future.... continuar...


Conservatives Evaluate the Liberals
The general secretary of the Conservative Party shared with envío his evaluation of the first one hundred days of the Liberal government, as well as some of his recent experiences as the National Assembly.... continuar...


State Modernization: Dangerous Signs
A legislative agenda has been lacking, local governments are waiting for decentralization, the Comptroller is a besieged institution, and so far there have been no spaces for citizen participation. ... continuar...


There's No Heaven Without Earth
Everybody is talking today about ecology, but what kind of ecology? Technified ecology only sharpens the wolf’s teeth. Politicized ecology doesn’t question the meaning of “development”. Ethical ecology is centered on universal compassion. Holistic ecology provides a more complete vision.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America