Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 174 | Enero 1996



When Democracy Becomes A Synonym for Anarchy
The country has been “feudalized”. All dynamics are fragmentary and all logics are short-term. The power groups are taking stock of their forces.... continuar...


What Laws Protect The War Wounded?
Law 98 of April 1990 and the decree that created INVICTA in February 1991 guarantee rights to the war-wounded on both sides. Who is complying with these laws today? Will those hard earned rights be transformed into hand-outs?... continuar...


CERRO NEGRO ERUPTS AGAIN The 700 meter high volcano called Cerro Negro, located some 20 kilometers outside of the city of León, began to erupt on November 19. Ten days later, a state of emergency... continuar...

El Salvador

Democracy in El Salvador: A Difficult Birth
The Salvadoran exprience is basic to a reflection about the possibilities of building democracy and of proposing “another” socialism. Will the democracy that never was and the revolution that never came carry El Salvador towards the democracy and the socialism that will be?... continuar...

El Salvador

Unemployment and Violence: A Dramatic Cycle
A vein of authoritarianism prevails in the government with regard to any labor protest. There likewise prevails a lack of creativity in the protests of the labor leaders. Meanwhile, there is no doubt that the present government is a government of businesspeople. ... continuar...


US Military Bases: Five Theses
The civil, rational use of the “returned areas” – the U.S. military bases – has an enormous potential for helping Panama move towards national development that is democratic, equitable and in harmony with nature.... continuar...


1995's Successes Are Failures
Civic Alliance carried out a referendum on an alternative model of development. Meanwhile, President Zedillo keeps insisting that there is no other viable economic road for Mexico than the one mapped by his government – and that it is a success.... continuar...


A Society With Room for Everyone
Class struggle did not disappear. Rather today it has a victor that meets no real resistance. But such a power falls into the impotence of omnipotence and carries us all towards collective suicide. How to free ourselves from this power? The Zapatistas capture in a single phrase the meaning of their project: a society where all have a place. Who do we reach such a goal?... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America