Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 112 | Noviembre 1990



Who Will Conquer the Chaos?
In the new phase ushered in with the February elections, the central question facing Nicaragua has been whether the bourgeoisie would be able to roll back the Sandinista revolution, or the country's... continuar...


Waslala: Anatomy of a Conflict
For three days at the beginning of October, the town of Waslala on the agricultural frontier 95 miles northeast of Managua teetered on the brink of anarchy. Angry mobs of former contras and UNO... continuar...


Workers Redefine Privatization
The National Workers' Front (FNT), the recently-formed umbrella organization of six pro-FSLN union federations, decided to initiate a period of escalating disobedience on October 1 to protest growing... continuar...


ANOTHER ATTACK ON FREEDOM OF SPEECH On the night of September 30, the two transmitters of one of Nicaragua's most popular radio stations were burned to the ground in an attempt to silence criticism... continuar...


The UNO Economic Plan: Is There a Popular Alternative?
The official concertation forum was called to order before live television coverage on September 20. The UNO government's economic team and representatives of all labor organizations and business... continuar...


FMLN Proclamation to the Nation: The Democratic Revolution
1. Poverty and injustice have increased; the revolution is necessary! Social injustice and poverty have taken an ever-deeper hold on our country in the last ten years; the military has been... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America