Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 100 | Noviembre 1989



The Electoral Process Gears Up
The electoral process currently underway in Nicaragua is the path that could well lead the country to the "firm and lasting peace" that first seemed possible over two years ago with the initiation of... continuar...


Prison Inspections End Numbers Speculation
A recent census of Nicaragua's prisons has helped dispel the aura of mystery that opposition groups have tried to create concerning the number of political prisoners. The Permanent Commission on Human... continuar...


Voter Registration Proceeds Smoothly
With two of four registration days completed as we go to press, the civic process in Nicaragua proceeds as scheduled. For the first four Sundays in October, Nicaraguan citizens are registering to vote... continuar...


Revolution Seeks Foreign Investors
As part of its search for resources to confront the economic crisis, Nicaragua has launched a campaign to attract foreign investment. But, unlike the subordinate relationship the country had with foreign... continuar...


CATHOLIC CHURCH CALLS FOR VOTE In a pastoral letter dated September 24, the Nicaraguan Bishops' Conference made a clear call for Nicaraguans to register and vote in the upcoming elections. ... continuar...


Just The Facts: The 1990 Elections
Presidential and Vice presidential candidates registered with the Supreme Electoral Council (listed alphabetically by party) FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front): Daniel Ortega... continuar...


Institutionalizing Autonomy
“[This autonomy law] is not a law for all time; it will have to be improved, grow, discover new horizons.... “We must...fight the bearers of racial discrimination; eradicate the residues of prejudice;... continuar...


The Nicaraguan Environment.... A Legacy of Destruction
The Esquipulas process has been concerned not only with problems of war and peace in Central America, but also with the region's ecological problems. In the recent presidential summit meeting in... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America