Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 81 | Marzo 1988



In 1987, an event of such importance took place in Central America that, for the first time since 1979, we can speak of a fundamental change in the regional panorama. On August 7, 1987, Esquipulas II... continuar...


Modernization and Militarism
The centerpiece of the Guatemalan situation two years ago was the new civilian government's attempt to rebuild the state, in which the social forces would be realigned through an “arrangement” between... continuar...


Military Solution in Crisis
Events in El Salvador in 1987 are divided into two phases by the Central American peace accords of Esquipulas II. The first was marked by the continued expansion of the sociopolitical conflict, which,... continuar...


Dependence and the Military
To no one's surprise, the focal point of Honduras in 1987 again had a more geopolitical than national character; the position of the Honduran government and armed forces has not varied substantially... continuar...


Steps on the Road to Peace
The unequal confrontation between the Sandinista revolution and the Reagan Administration has had two distinct periods. From 1981 to 1984, the US government was on the offensive on several fronts: ... continuar...


Between Dignity and Submission
Three factors shaped Costa Rica's year in 1987: the Esquipulas peace process and the related awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Oscar Arias; economic stabilization and the dilemma of Costa... continuar...


Conclusions: Whither Central America
Based on the previous country analyses, it is clear that Esquipulas II, while exerting an influence on all the Central American countries, has done so in very diverse ways both internally and in each... continuar...

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Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America