Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 455 | Junio 2019



Will the transition speed up or will Ortega kill the negotiations?
Several events during the ides of May gave the citizenry’s resistance renewed energy. In response, of course, the regime intensified its control over the population and acted unilaterally, ignoring the Civic Alliance, its counterpart at the negotiating table. What might the ides of June bring? An acceleration of the difficult transition the majority of Nicaraguans want? Or will the regime scuttle the second shot at a negotiated solution?... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
CID-GALLUP POLL In the latest CID-Gallup poll, which surveyed a national sample of 1,205 people between May 7 and 21, a total of 77%—among them 47% of those who identified themselves as Sandinistas—said... continuar...


The Caribbean Coast’s voice in the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy
This sociologist and anthropologist, a member of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy and Caribbean Coast representative in the National Dialogue reports on the Caribbean region’s different realities and shares her reflections about her participation in the currently negotiations with the Ortega regime. ... continuar...


Overhaul the existing Police or create a new one?
The new Nicaragua will have to create a new police force, in part because in 2011 the existing one embraced Daniel Ortega’s open-ended authoritarian project, sacrificing the legitimacy of its origins by so doing. Even more importantly, the human rights violations and crimes against humanity the Police have committed during the bloody repression since April 2018 have put paid to what little legitimacy it still retained. Nicaragua needs and wants a new police force with a new doctrine, and new formation and training governed by a democratic public security policy. Reforms won’t do; the change will have to be total, right down to a new name and different uniforms,... continuar...


Torture in the detention centers
The following is a summary of “Going back to being human,” a preliminary report about torture in the regime’s detention centers written by human rights defenders in the Colectivo Nicaragua Nunca+. They originally were part of the Nicaraguan Human Rights Center (CENIDH), and took exile in Costa Rica during the December 2018 repressive wave. This important report is the first extended documentation of the horror that was and still is being experienced by people imprisoned for opposing the Ortega-Murillo regime after the April 2018 civic rebellion.... continuar...


Undocumented emigrants’ civil disobedience: Self-employment and informality
The civil disobedience of each working day has given undocumented emigrants in the US a space where their own business licenses, recognition of their skills and qualifications, their personalized work, their financial progress and their trucks, which serve as their passports, all make them increasingly more indispensable, thus less excluded by migration laws and racism. I met four interesting examples: Reynaldo the gardener, Eladio the tailor, Kelvin the builder and Benjamín the businessman.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America