Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 420 | Julio 2016



No bridge over these troubled waters
The pre-electoral scene has taken a very problematic turn. If the November 6 elections threatened to lack transparency, that fear has been dwarfed by the fact that they’ll lack competitors. Where are Daniel Ortega’s decisions taking the country? With the electoral path made an utter mockery, the armed route unappealing after painful historical experience and the road of civic protest always long and uncertain, where are these troubled waters carrying us and what bridge might get us across? ... continuar...


Nicaragua briets
INVOKE THE DEMOCRATIC CHARTER? In mid-June, Violeta Granera, the National Coalition for Democracy’s vice presidential candidate before it was disqualified from running, participated in different... continuar...


The civic path is taking on tinges of rebellion
This long-time Liberal politician, now with the Independent Liberal Party— which has just been stripped of its legal status and thus can’t run in the November 6 elections— analyzes some aspects of the situation facing Liberalism and the country as a whole. ... continuar...


A chronicle of guerrilla warfare and mosaic pieces of the Mosquitia
These extracts from the author’s extensive book, A chronicle of guerrilla warfare (1982-2007) aren’t necessarily the best or most important but they give an idea of the book’s detailed description, the complexity of the analysis and the wealth of information required to understand the roots and evolution of the Miskitus’ guerrilla tactics against the Nicaraguan revolution. They’re just appetizers for those who want to know more and understand better who the Miskitu people are and how their society has evolved. ... continuar...


What the CICIG papers have revealed
The progress in the investigations conducted by the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala since the discovery of the “La Línea” corruption scheme reveals that it wasn’t a case of government leaders committing isolated acts of corruption, It was a mafia-like criminal structure headed by President Otto Pérez Molina and his Vice President Roxana Baldetti, who had co-opted the Guatemalan State. ... continuar...


Is the green economy really the new magic formula?
“Green economy” promoters present it as a model that can resolve the ecological and economic crises. This article by three members of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Green Political Foundation questions the green economy’s basic assumptions, hypotheses and proposed solutions. ... continuar...


The subliminal effects of policy messages on the democratic exercise
All public policies, be they penal justice, education, health, social security, housing, taxes and many more, transmit subtle messages that teach the citizenry who is served by these policies and who is not. They tell people whether participating in the democratic process is worth it or not, and if the demeaning encounters with government are the norm or the exception. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America