Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 407 | Junio 2015



May 23 in San Salvador, recounting Central America’s story
The beatification of Monsignor Romero symbolically culminates a long and conflictive stage of the Latin American, Central American and even Nicaraguan Church. It’s a religious and political happening with the potential to open another stage. At the same time it’s a moment for celebrating, reflecting and also recounting. ... continuar...


NICA IN THE FIFA SCANDAL A Nicaraguan was among the seven top-level directors of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) arrested on May 27 at Zurich’s Baur au Lac Hotel,... continuar...


The local media are overshadowed and under threat
This journalist, who for the past 15 years has anchored the weekly radio program “Onda Local,” reporting in the municipalities on local people’s problems and struggles, reflects here on the limitations and obstacles currently facing Nicaraguan journalism, particularly in local and community media.... continuar...


Reflections on development by a Japanese volunteer in Nicaragua
I came to Nicaragua in 2013 as a volunteer with the Japan International Cooperation Agency to work in the UCA’s research institute called Nitlapán, advising small farmers and analyzing their production strategies. I always tried to respect local points of view when giving my opinion as something new often arises when several perspectives fuse together. I believe we learn through sharing experiences, which is why I’m sharing mine.... continuar...

El Salvador

Resuscitated or newly assassinated in his beatification?
Now officially recognized by the Catholic Church, will Monsignor Romero continue to be a living saint or will they manage to reduce him to just another statue? Many Salvadorans in the social organizations and communities and even a large majority of individuals are alert to the risk, and will help keep him and what he represents alive in their day-to-day work.... continuar...


An extraordinary situation: Thousands against corruption
Urban middle classes, peasants, indigenous people, public and private university students and professors, secondary school students and teachers, and entire families have taken to the streets and plazas all around the country, urged by the social networks and united by indignation and satiation at the rampant corruption they had long suspected and now know is true. Might extraordinary new leadership come out of this extraordinary situation?... continuar...


The Mexico-US border: The Border Patrol’s empire: Solid and liquid border vigilance, part 2
It’s preferable to be undocumented in Washington than to be a citizen in the border city of Brownsville. Living on the US-Mexico border can also mean living on the border of citizenship, with a low-intensity exercise of rights, deteriorated by the Border Patrol’s arbitrary and prejudiced power, which is equipped with a full range of “solid” vigilance mechanisms such as walls, radars, drones… and armed with “liquid” vigilance: an array of “illegal” profiles developed with information technology. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America