Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 406 | Mayo 2015



Governing with his back to it all
A prisoner of his leading role in the eighties, Daniel Ortega is now living with his back to the changes taking place in the world and governing with his back to Nicaragua’s interests on the international stage, where his role is irrelevant. Meanwhile, he feels comfortable and sure on the national stage, where he enjoys the luxury of governing with his back to the law and to just about everything else the country is suffering.... continuar...


RUSSIAN PLANES: MILITARY OR COMMERCIAL? In an interview with the Nicaraguan newspaper El Nuevo Diario in April, Russian ambassador to Nicaragua Nikolay Mikhaylovich Vladimir denied his country... continuar...


The Family Code is the final link in a project of social control
The recently approved Family Code went into effect on April 7. What are the fundamental aspects of this important new law? What are its “SWOTs” (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), to use the well-known analytical method for evaluating projects?. ... continuar...


Nicaragua in Eduardo Galeano’s words
Some of the stories, places and names that have been important in Nicaragua’s history are immortalized in Eduardo Galeano’s books. It’s impossible to reproduce everything he has written about us with his impassioned pen, but we offer you a selection that highlights his unflaggingly fresh critical thinking, always from the left, always coherent, always honest and ever evolving.... continuar...


A chronicle of thousands of ignored deaths
Chronic kidney disease is a pressing public health issue that’s been affecting, even killing, thousands of sugarcane workers in western Nicaragua for many years. Neither the powerful Pellas Group nor the Ortega government is giving the issue its proper attention. So much silence, so much forgetfulness, so much acceptance of this tragedy is shocking.... continuar...


Notes on the Alliance for Prosperity Plan for the Northern Triangle
Although the Prosperity Plan for the Northern Triangle must still be passed by the US Congress, President Otto Pérez Molina said it will happen with or without the resources of the United States. Perhaps he said so because the Obama Plan’s proposals are the same as in a plan already underway in Guatemala, one imposed from the business sector and endorsed by the governments in turn.... continuar...


A historic demonstration
April 25 was a historic day for Guatemala. Tens of thousands of indignant citizens took to the streets in a peaceful demonstration to demand the resignation of President Pérez Molina and Vice President Roxana Baldetti,* calling them thieves. This unprecedented outpouring followed the latest discovery of their scandalous corruption. While there were also demonstrations in the interior of the country, we offer here some first impressions of the multitudinous one in the capital.... continuar...


Seclusion is the greatest of all political diseases
What was the breeding ground in which Honduras’ President got approval for his indefinite re-election? It’s one made up of violence and of both real and induced fears, with an agenda that prioritizes violent responses to ensure security. This breeding ground also includes media, Churches and the military. And above all there’s a disease: it’s the illness of political seclusion, a generalized illness that must be understood and overcome if we’re to climb out of the country’s deteriorated state.... continuar...


Youth in territories marked by violence
The Jesuits of Central America and Panama held the Provincial Social Apostolate Commission’s annual seminar in San Salvador in September 2014. This time it focused on three interrelated issues: Central American youth, violence and organized crime. We listened to national, regional and international views and heard the violence-related experiences of young people and the perspectives of organizations working to prevent it. We offer this summary of the meeting’s main contents. ... continuar...


Between thaw and democratization
After the first steps towards normalizing the relationship between the United States and Cuba on and off the island, it’s up to democrats to imagine and build an alternative future with social justice, political pluralism and economic prosperity for the Cuban people.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America