Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 400 | Noviembre 2014



One black, one clear: Two vital liquids under threat
The Ortega-Murillo power project would have been impossible had it not been for Venezuela’s generous oil agreement, so what effects will the fall of oil prices have? A sustainable development path for Nicaragua largely depends on the rational use of water, the country’s most important natural resource. But the interoceanic canal project jeopardizes that use. Oil and water are at the very core of this month’s national dynamic.... continuar...


DISASTERS CAUSED BY THE RAINS After a severe drought in a good part of the country, October brought excessive rains, causing flooding and disasters in various places. According to official data... continuar...


The ship of education is foundering
The problems of Nicaragua’s education system persist year after year, government after government. Where is this ship taking on the most water? Will it suffice to plug up the holes or do we need to abandon it for another? And what can we do to change course?... continuar...


Reflections from the Ngäbe-Buglé region: Food security or food sovereignty?
Panama’s visible poverty is a stark counterpoint to its supposed motor of development: the Panama Canal. And the poverty of its indigenous peoples contrasts with that of the general population. Their malnutrition seems contradictory considering their nutritious traditional foods, many of which they’ve used for thousands of years. What is the traditional diet of the Ngäbe? How can this people’s identity, culture, health, education and diet be strengthened? ... continuar...


Ayotzinapa in ourheart
A police operation in September that left six students dead and 43 “disappeared” from the Ayotzinapa teacher training school has revealed to the world the rule of drugs in Mexico, the alliance between drug traffickers, drug-related businessmen and drug-related politicians that dominates the Mexican scene today. Pending a more complete report about this emblematic event, we’re reprinting the heartfelt words of Elena Poniatowska, who spoke before 100,000 people a month after the event. With that the names of these young people remain in “the book of life” and in the pages of envío. ... continuar...


A day in the life of three Central American migrants
Three migrants, three lives, three windows on the world of Central Americans in the US: Kelvin Orellana, Gisel Morazán and Lito Melgar. All three are relatively happy and all are undocumented. They work hard, learn about and use the world they move in. They have dreams; they’re bold; and they have a future. ... continuar...


Mining myths, paradoxes and realities
Central America is scarred with visible signs of the voracity of Canadian mining companies and throughout the region communities are resisting. But they are also suffering and getting sick. Central America’s reality can’t be analyzed without looking at the disasters and struggles mining is provoking. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America