Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 392 | Marzo 2014



Three mirrors to see ourselves in
The presidential elections in El Salvador, the municipal elections in Ecuador and the protests in Venezuela are three nearby mirrors in which Nicaragua’s government should look at itself to think, to learn and perhaps even to correct.... continuar...


WASHINGTON ON NICARAGUA’S HUMAN RIGHTS The 2013 US State Department report on the world’s human rights situation, released in February, contained an extensive section on Nicaragua. The following... continuar...


The public health system needs to opt for prevention, education and quality
An assessment of the current status of Nicaragua’s public health system: its focus on cure rather than prevention, the politicizing of health care and its staff, the failure to provide ongoing public and staff education, and the many ways the system could improve the quality of this critical human service.... continuar...


“A mere delegate of the people, I do not recognize party colors”
Inaugural speech by Fernando Guzmán Solórzano, President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Masaya, March 1, 1867. Over a century and a half later, his lofty words resonate and clash with this political moment in Nicaragua.... continuar...


The ROOF Project: Not just a fad
After spending a year as a volunteer with the Roof Project (TECHO) I realized I had a lot to say about this organization and its work. How did they get such a large group of youth volunteers? What commitment do they have with the organization and with the families they work with? Is working with this project just a fad? Keeping these questions in mind, I looked more closely at my experience.... continuar...

Costa Rica

Winds of change blowing among surprises
Ever since November of last year the electoral campaign has brought one surprise after another. Winds of change they are a-blowin’, with the country moving toward a new, more parliamentary and pluralist political dynamic.... continuar...


There’s no such thing as a mine that doesn’t pollute
Studies and reports refute false myths and promises spread by mining companies to win over minds and hearts. Metal mining in Central America has damaged the environment, and brought little employment and more costs than benefits to the communities. It doesn’t generate sustainable development or revenue for the State. And that’s the truth.... continuar...

América Latina

The Left and the Progressives: Ten theses on a divorce
With different nuances and variants, Latin America’s “progressive” governments are no longer questioning the myth of progress, are practicing intensive extractivism, are resigned to corruption and favor hyper-presidentialism. What’s Left in this?... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America