Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 385 | Agosto 2013



Notes written beneath the trees of life
The contradictions of Daniel Ortega’s speech at the celebration of the revolution’s 34th anniversary give food for thought about various uncertainties for the country at this time.... continuar...


OIL EXPLORATION: WHO OWNS SEAFLOWER? Minister of Energy and Mines Emilio Rappaccioli confirmed the existence of a presidential decree granting a concession to the Spanish oil company Repsol... continuar...


Just how communal are rural communities?
This sociologist and long-time municipal activist shares the sobering findings of a study done in three rural districts in different parts of the country that asked a wide array of important questions at the community level.... continuar...


The canal and the illusion of development
Nicaraguan economists are considering the implications of the canal through Nicaragua. Economist Julio Francisco Báez told La Prensa, “I‘m skeptical about the canal’s ability to end our poverty. I’m with those demanding participation in clarifying this project, which could end up something positive or a reckless adventure. I tend to assume the latter because so far the process has smacked of alarming improvisation. It’ll change the country’s environment, laws, economy and Treasury yet the way they’re going about it seems like a joke.” Here we offer the opinion of yet another alarmed economist.... continuar...


34 years of blameful forgetfulness, 23 of interested memory (part 2)
“It goes without saying that we fought hard, but we had corrupt chiefs, cowardly leaders, a propaganda apparatus that was worse than leprosy; we fought for parties that, had they won, would have immediately sent us to a forced labor camp… because we were stupid and generous, as youths are, giving their all and asking for nothing in return.” This remark by Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño upon receiving the Rómulo Gallegos prize in 1999, serves as an opening for this second part of my reflections on the justifications we used to silence and internalize the abuses of power committed during the revolution.... continuar...


A resounding NO to the PRI's education reform
President Peña Nieto’s education reform bill, passed in December 2012, amends the Constitution. In February 2013, the day after the law was promulgated, President Peña Nieto ordered the arrest of Elba Esther Gordillo, the teachers’ union leader, not for her corruption but because she was a hindrance to implementation of the reform. But massive protests by independent teachers across the country are proving to be a greater obstacle to implementing this elitist privatizing reform.... continuar...


Following the money trail: Implications for regional security
The concern about the consequences of money laundering on our region’s economy is growing, as is the illicit money being washed daily in our countries. Here is some basic information about this crime, which is already acquiring a destructive corrupting power on our societies and our weak democracies.... continuar...

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Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America