Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 378 | Enero 2013



Uncertainty is in the air
The uncertainty affecting Venezuela is echoed in Nicaragua. Will Venezuelan collaboration be reduced or even cut off? Will the conditions of the oil agreement change? Or will the government’s maneuvering room be the only thing to shrink? Uncertainty is very much in the air.... continuar...


THE TELEVISA TRIAL The 17 men and 1 woman disguised as journalists for Mexico’s Televisa media network who were captured in August 2012 transporting US$9.5 million hidden in six state-of-the-art... continuar...


The FSLN is now one family’s political machinery
An FSLN guerrilla commander in the 1970s, an FSLN government health minister in the 1980s and an FSLN legislative representative in the early 1990s, the author gives us some of her insight on the FSLN’s involution.... continuar...


A sad Christmas ballad
Honduras no longer seems livable. It has become a conduit for drugs. Its institutions are in total collapse. Its political class is deranged by greed and the plundering of resources. Its social movement hasn’t found its own voice and its citizens can barely stammer amid the deafening gunfire. Violence in our country is breaking world records. How does one rebel against all this?... continuar...


The revenge against the #IAm132 Movement
The repression unleashed by both the federal and state governments against the #IAM132 movement on December 1 hoped to make an example of this movement. All political parties know these outraged youth aren’t easy prey for any party. Failing to attract them, they wanted revenge by putting an end to this movement, but they failed there too.... continuar...


Detainees and deportees: Xenophobia and dollars
“Don’t play with us, keep your promises!,” a Latin American woman demanded of Obama on January 21, the day of his inauguration for a second term. In the demonstration, an empty chair symbolized a scandalous figure: one and a half million deportees in Obama’s first term. This text brings together other shocking figures that reflect both serious human rights violations and substantial erarnings in the “business” of raids, detentions and deportations of immigrants.... continuar...


Another public health is posible
We talk about “another possible world,” that “another economy” is possible, that “other politics” are possible. What has to change, nationally and internationally, to make “another” public health possible? The author lists four features of “another health” inside “another economy.”... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America