Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 273 | Abril 2004



More Pacts or a Real National Dialogue?
The national crisis, tough enough to explain and harder yet to resolve given today’s political class, constantly amazes and often depresses onlookers. What new deal will the three power groups come up with this time to slow its pace?... continuar...


ALEMÁN HITS THE TOP TEN According to the 2004 World Corruption Report, prepared by Transparency International and released in March, former Nicaraguan President Arnoldo Alemán came in ninth among... continuar...


Sébaco’s Sweatshop: Dreams, Realities and Frustrations
They come full of dreams: a fixed wage, a chance to study, to live better... But time and reality in the maquila turn all their dreams to smoke.... continuar...


Through the Looking Glass: Images of the Agricultural Frontier
We have to revise our notion of the agricultural frontier. The country’s “Pacific” culture ignores the multicultural nature of the Caribbean coast, as well as the complexity of the problem and any possible solutions. Simplistically preaching either conservation or the free market will only intensify the violence. ... continuar...

El Salvador

Did the FMLN Lose, Or Did Fear Win the Day?
Of the almost 2.3 million Salvadorans who went to the polls on March 21, over 1.3 million voted for ARENA’s candidate Antonio Saca. Or did they vote against Shafik Handal and the FMLN? And how many who did were motivated by fear?... continuar...


Some Positive Steps But Many Pending Issues
The new government has taken many important steps in its first 100 days but, without a coherent program, it appears to be simply putting band-aids on the problems. There are only four or five big issues that this government, or any other Guatemalan government, can and must address. Will Berger’s have the political will to begin to do so? The country is holding its breath, expectantly.... continuar...


Repoliticizing the Election Institute: A Severe Setback for Mexican Democracy
In 1996, after a long civic struggle, the Federal Election Institute became an autonomous, responsive, trustworthy institution. But now it has fallen under the control of the PRI and PAN, a victim of the corrupt partiocracy that is swallowing up Mexico’s fragile democracy like a black hole.... continuar...


Internationalize the Amazonia?
Brazil’s Amazon basin, some 360 million hectares cleaved by the world’s largest river, the Amazon, whose 80,000 kilometers in length is equal to the distance between New York and Berlin, holds the planet’s greatest biodiversity reserve. This unique, complex, exceptional ecosystem is a colossal Patrimony of Humanity. Should it be internationalized?... continuar...

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Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America