Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 237 | Abril 2001



The Election Flick: Sets and Scenes
One thing is already quite clear about Nicaragua’s future perspectives: it’s better that three run in the election race and not just the two in the pact.... continuar...


Education Is Not School And School Is Not Business
Neoliberalism has four recommendations for reforming education in Central America. All are questionable, limited and worrying.... continuar...


The Matrixes, Traps and Tricks of the Development Discourse
The development discourse is riddled with cold, dry, monotonous, impenetrable and, above all, neutral language. Could this possibly be why there is no development? What logic and what risks are hidden behind such oft-repeated phrases? ... continuar...


CAROUSING CORRUPTION, CGR RESIGNATION In mid-March, the Office of Comptroller General (CGR) issued a resolution establishing that a 1979 decree prohibiting government officials from receiving... continuar...


Solidarity in Times of Internet
Solidarity in Times of Internet When the alert went out in the United States about the persecution of a US nurse in Nicaragua, thousands of people responded and kept on responding until the Nicaraguan government was forced to "desist." The head of that campaign reflects back on what this case can teach us about solidarity in the Internet era. ... continuar...


Arduous Efforts for Institutionality
President Portillo’s attitudes undermine his credibility every day. And "hidden powers" in the country continue weighing in heavily. Nonetheless, people have not stopped resisting all this. They are still fighting for legality and institutionality. ... continuar...


The Zapatista Triumph: the Strength of Weakness
For 16 days, 23 EZLN comandantes—4 of them women— plus Subcomandante Marcos traveled through the cities and towns of 12 states representing ten million indigenous exicans. From its initial planning through to its culminating events, the march of those who are "the color of the earth," have created a new political scenario in the country. ... continuar...


Two Sketches of the Zapatista March
A friend of envío participated in the Zapatista March. We selected a few pages from his extensive daily notes that reflect two aspects, two moments of this rich historical event, one hopeful, the other discouraging.... continuar...

América Latina

The War against Coca: A View from Bolivia
The United States has invented a war. It goes after coca to eradicate cocaine and blames Latin American coca growers for the cocaine addiction of its youth in the States. What hidden motives lurk behind this war? ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America