Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 102 | Enero 1990



Negotiations and Elections: The Only Road to Peace
In October, the Bush Administration renewed the US embargo against Nicaragua and got congressional approval for $9 million to assist the most reactionary electoral force in Nicaragua's presidential race-this,... continuar...


’Tis the season for debate
With the electoral campaign now in full swing, it is hard to assert with a straight face that no adequate forum exists for the opposition—although some still try. Starting on December 5, the hour-long... continuar...


Challenging Machismo in the Barrios
On a Thursday afternoon, the women overflow the small building which houses the March 8 Women's Center in one of Managua's poor neighborhoods, or barrios , in the northeastern part of the city.... continuar...


CAMPAIGNING FOR UNO CONTRA-STYLE President Daniel Ortega caused an international stir when he announced in October that the government would not continue the unilateral cease-fire in place since... continuar...


Nicaraguan Elections Bibliography as of December 1989
To help those writing or giving talks about the Nicaraguan elections, the following materials on the electoral process and related issues are available at the Central American Historical Institute, Intercultural... continuar...


Nicaragua's 1984 Elections—A History Worth the Retelling
These elections have followed a liberal model, but within a revolutionary process. Perhaps the biggest success was the number of votes received by parties other than the FSLN; there has been dissidence... continuar...

El Salvador

FMLN Proposals for Negotiating a Just and Lasting Peace in El Salvador
On September 13-15, 1989, in Mexico City, leaders of the Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation met for the first time with representatives of the new ARENA government of El Salvador. Comandantes... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America