Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 403 | Febrero 2015



The river that must be crossed and the stones that must be felt for
Between now and November 2016, Daniel Ortega will have to cross the river that separates him from his third reelection. In doing so, he’ll have to feel for no few stones, and avoid more blunders in the international sphere, where many things that have favored him are changing.... continuar...


COSTA RICA RE THE CANAL In mid-December, Costa Rican Deputy Foreign Minister Alejandro Solano referred to the “many doubts” his country has about the economic viability of Nicaragua’s interoceanic... continuar...


The UNESCO study alerts us that we’re falling behind in education
An informed discussion of the results of a major study by UNESCO that compares the learning achievements of primary students in Latin America, including Nicaragua.... continuar...


The Grand Canal and the “grand” job expectations
HKND says it will employ 25,000 Nicaraguan workers to build the interoceanic canal and calculates that the associated subprojects, once built, could create up to 250,000 jobs. Doing the math, we find this will have very little impact on total employment, won’t improve the low productivity problem and won’t take us out of poverty.... continuar...


Nicaragua has to engage in dialogue
This short article, originally titled “Venezuela has to engage in dialogue,” was written when that country’s opposition and government first sat down to talk. It could have been written for today’s Nicaragua, where polarization reigns and there’s an urgent need for dialogue and debate.... continuar...

El Salvador

Progress, but still unpaid debts to the country’s indigenous peoples
“We want to be the first government to make an act of contrition in the name of the Salvadoran people, and ask the indigenous communities for forgiveness for the persecution and extermination suffered for so many years. From this day forward we’re officially ending the long denial of the diversity of our peoples…” That statement was made on October 12, 2010, and following it the government of Mauricio Funes initiated substantial changes regarding indigenous peoples. There has been important progress, but debts remain.... continuar...


The Ayotzinapa movement is transforming the country
The Ayotzinapa movement is a novel experience. All attempts by those at the top to contain it have failed. The US government’s answer has been to buttress Plan Mérida, which provides weapons to Mexico’s government, supposedly only to combat the drug trafficking cartels. But those below haven’t been frightened off by the repression; they’ve been creative in their actions, and now represent the thousands upon thousands of people fed up with the impunity, corruption and generalized crime. They have proposals for transforming Mexico.... continuar...


Migrants on the road, churches in civil disobedience
The Kino Initiative diner and so many others, plus the parish church and hostels in Ciudad Juárez, and numerous lodging houses on both sides of the border are oases that make it possible for migrants to defy migration laws and renew their energy and hopes on a daily basis. Nuns, priests, pastors and Catholic and Protestant faithful run these arenas of civil disobedience along with non-Christians. They are good people who work with their souls to breathe life and universal fraternity into the world. I met some of them and sing their praises here.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America