Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 401 | Diciembre 2014



2014 wasn’t just any old year
These few notes about what 2014 brought us are but the tip of the many events and maneuvers that filled our lives in Nicaragua these past 12 months and could shape our future. ... continuar...


OXFAM REPORT ON WORLD INEQUALITY Oxfam International’s extensively researched and powerfully written report, “Even it up: Time to end extreme inequality,” presented in October, specifically... continuar...


The canal will jeopardize our ability to adapt to climate change
Reflections by an engineer and environmental expert on the effects climate change is having in Nicaragua, the global negotiations on the issue up to now and the critical relationship between it and the interoceanic canal.... continuar...


Nicaragua’s proposed interoceanic canal: Many more questions than answers
The 15 international scientific experts who met with 7 Nicaraguan colleagues on November 10-11 in Nicaragua to engage in an interdisciplinary discussion to contribute to the debate on the scientific and technical issues raised by the interoceanic canal project were left stunned and perplexed. We offer here their final document, which in lieu of conclusions presents indispensable questions still unanswered that they believe must be addressed by the government, the concessionaire company and Nicaragua’s population. ... continuar...


We can’t resign ourselves to losing Lake Cocibolca
The following statement cost Salvador Montenegro his job as director of CIRA, founded by him in 1980, thanks to the governing party political operatives’ intimidation of the professors who had to decide whether he would keep it or not. Despite this “punishment,” Montenegro again called the canal megaproject “despicable” for its attack on the country’s most important natural resource, declaring that remaining silent about the risks would be “high treason against one’s country.” ... continuar...


Chabelo Morales: Symbol of resistance
Chabelo Morales is a different kind of leader. He’s a symbol of that ordinary peasant whose every right is constantly violated just for being poor and having little education, of the hundreds of thousands of excluded Hondurans. His life is that of all those who suffer the consequences of Honduras’ system of impunity, discrimination and injustice. ... continuar...


Ayotzinapa shakes the country
Ayotzinapa has caused a political earthquake with constant aftershocks that reveal the cohabitation of the governing political class and organized crime. It has put all the institutions in disarray and revealed how violence is destroying Mexico. The public’s opinion of who is responsible for this crime is clear: “It was the State!”... continuar...


Who’s afraid of the Latino vote?
The migration reprieve Obama announced in November suspends deportation of over 5.2 million people, some 850,000 of them Central Americans. But his measures left out well more than half of the undocumented migrants in the US. What will happen afterwards? For Latino immigrants, getting the right to vote will determine their future in the United States. And when it happens, who’ll be afraid of that vote?... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America