Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 308 | Marzo 2007



Sixty Days On: Signals, Seals and Superficiality
While Venezuela is pledging mammoth investments in Nicaragua and enough aid to guarantee the new government’s social programs—some $400 million worth, to be more precise—the governing couple keeps emitting signals that feed uncertainty and concern.... continuar...


ARNOLDO ALEMÁN MEDDLES IN LIBERAL UNITY TALKS In an interview for the Univision TV network, broadcast on February 15 in Miami and repeated in Nicaragua, convicted former President Arnoldo Alemán... continuar...


Needed Reflections on the New Government’s Communication Policy
What state publicity policy does the new government have in mind? For that matter, what were previous governments’ policies? Why might new communications czar Rosario Murillo be at risk of seeing her decisions boomerang? What is our media’s greatest ignored wealth? And what’s life like for journalists and the media?... continuar...


The Government Wasn’t Able to Change the Budgetary Policy
This economist, author of a study of the fraud-riddled bank collapses of 2000-2001 and the illicit domestic debt that resulted from them, offers his opinions on the 2007 national budget bill sent to the National Assembly by President Ortega.... continuar...


Rigoberta Menchú Bursts onto the Electoral Stage
“I want to open the way for a new direction in Guatemala,” said Rigoberta Menchú on accepting the presidential candidacy and introducing her new social movement. Which political stage will she choose to dance on and what special interests are the numerous other political parties hiding?... continuar...


Crime and Corruption in the Guatemalan Police
The killing of three Salvadoran PARLACEN representatives in Guatemala has shown that Guatemala’s security forces are still involved in crime, and led to tense relations with neighboring countries, especially El Salvador.... continuar...


A Portrait of the Region’s Large Economic Groups
Central America’s rapid “real” integration over the last 15 years, according to this author, has been led by the region’s large economic groups, which originated with old capital but are now globalized and allied to the transnationals operating in the region. This second of three articles describes these groups, their history and their economic behavior, and ventures a projection of their future.... continuar...

América Latina

Reform or Revolution? And the Left’s Ethical Challenge
The neoliberal states we live in constrain all leftist projects of social justice and democracy. But there’s some room for maneuver if we’re clear about our principles, objectives and rhythms, and we act ethically. Our ethics must be much broader than just being anti-neoliberal.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America