Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 395 | Junio 2014



The bishops’ document: A road map?
The most visible result of the bishops’ dialogue with President Ortega is an extensive document that could become a road map for both the government and the population. But do the conditions exist for that to happen?... continuar...


POST-EARTHQUAKE After April’s earthquake crisis, described as a “complex event not easy to understand” by Wilfried Strauch, a German scientist who works with the Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial... continuar...


Would a truth commission be possible here?
This lifelong human rights promoter and defender offers her reflections on Nicaragua’s human rights history, the limitations to adopting the right to truth in the country and why there has been no “transitional justice.” ... continuar...


In search of new horizons for a better Nicaragua
When Nicaragua’s bishops presented this document to President Ortega and the First Lady on May 21, they said the following: “We invite the religious communities and all Nicaraguan citizens to make it the object of reflection and prayer, so that by the grace of God and our civic commitment, it is transformed into effective practice that leads us to cooperate generously and with sacrifice in political society.” For this reason, we publish it in its entirety.... continuar...


A perfect crime?
Carlos Mejía Orellana, the sales and marketing manager of Honduras’ Radio Progreso, was murdered on April 11. Nobody has been punished or even tried for the crime. What was the motive? Who was behind it? Who actually stabbed him? It appears to be a perfect crime because the probable political motive is hidden behind the smokescreen of Carlos’ homosexuality. With this article, envío, a sister of the Radio Progreso project, joins in the condemnation of this crime.... continuar...

Costa Rica

Does the new government have a new way of doing politics?
The new government of Luis Guillermo Solís kicked off among great expectations. The country’s problems are complex and there are no magic recipes to clean up the finances, eradicate extreme poverty, distribute resources more equitably, eliminate the corruption in the public sector and quickly repair the deteriorated national road system. And it will be even harder to sidestep the internal contradictions that will soon be blossoming within the governing party.... continuar...


Subcomandante Marcos: Never more… or forever?
The premeditated murder in Chiapas of José Luis Solís, a Zapatista “votán” (guardian) and teacher committed to his community, and the avalanche of international solidarity from all over the planet, condemning the crime and empathizing with the Zapatista cause, was the moment “Subcomandante Marcos” chose to leave the stage. He will reappear as Insurgent Subcomandante Galeano, the alias Solís once took due to his admiration for Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America