Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 390 | Enero 2014



The Army is the final piece in Ortega’s political Project
The mind behind the constitutional changes was also behind the changes to the Military Code. The two reforms are mutually complementary; dependent on each other like links in a chain. Aligning the Army with his political project was President Ortega’s final step in articulating his power strategy.... continuar...


DECREE ON SOCIAL SECURITY An administrative reform to the social security pension system went into effect on January 1. It was instituted by presidential decree just before the Christmas holidays,... continuar...


What mutations have turned the FSLN into what it is today?
Reflections on some of the mutations of the FSLN’s original Sandinista project and values into what the author considers to be the project of the presidential couple, which she dubs “Chayo-Orteguismo.”... continuar...


Truths about the canal concession all Nicaraguans should know
Last August, 183 Nicaraguan citizens presented 31 suits of unconstitutionality to Nicaragua’s Supreme Court, respectively against President Daniel Ortega and National Assembly president René Núñez, for presenting and approving Law 840, for the construction of an interoceanic canal through Nicaragua. On December 18, as expected, the Court rejected all the suits. According to Supreme Court President Alba Luz Ramos, “Law 840 is not unconstitutional. It remains exactly as it was approved in the National Assembly.” The following is the introduction to one of the suits, drafted by a young Nicaraguan lawyer.... continuar...

El Salvador

First reflections on the first round of elections
The FMLN’s main challenge was winning the first round of the elections, a victory aided by ARENA’s internal conflicts. The second round challenge is negotiating with Tony Saca’s UNIDAD party, which has become the third force. It’s a risk both for ethical reasons and for reasons of governance.... continuar...


The energy reform: A great loss and a betrayal
The energy reform engineered in Mexico should be understood as part of the steamroller advance of capitalist privatization and extractivism. Even massive resistance from the Mexican Left, couldn’t prevent it being passed or enacted. The task now facing the country’s citizens, particularly the indigenous peoples whose vital lands will be affected, will be colossal.... continuar...


“Illegal” migration of Central Americans and Chinandegans
What is the machinery that illegalizes migration all about? Migratory policies are a sieve, not a dike. What do they strain out? The research and analysis below, aided by a census in Chinandega, shows that there are cycles marked by geopolitical and other interests, and that the foundational act of most Central American migrants’ relationship with the United States transgresses that country’s laws.... continuar...


How does Cuba surf the net?
One of the Ortega government’s constitutional changes that sparked the most controversy, suspicion and fear referred to giving the Army “control” of telecommunications. Although big capital negotiated less abrasive and explicit language, both the new Constitution and the Military Code, also reformed by Ortega, now put the protection” of telecommunications in the Army’s hands arguing reasons of “national security and defense.” In the debate, businesspeople, analysts and youths in the social networks often mentioned the precarious situation of Cuba’s telecommunications and the Cuban government’s political-ideological control over them. While the contexts are very different in the two countries, is an involution anything like Cuba’s possible in Nicaragua? To enrich the reflection, we offer this description of the strict digital blockade suffered by Cuban society. How can one access Internet in Cuba and who is able to do so?... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America