Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 382 | Mayo 2013



Obama, Ortega and “meanwhile” in Venezuela
In Venezuela’s current situation of a Chávez government without Chávez, an unanticipated political situation and a complex economic one, Barack Obama’s government sees good opportunities to make use of while Daniel Ortega’s government is beginning to see bad signs of what it will have to cope with.... continuar...


OPPOSITION TO LAW 779 Barely 10 months after the Comprehensive Law against Violence toward Women, an important victory of Nicaragua’s women’s organizations, went into effect, it has come under... continuar...


What we know and don’t know about the Tumarín mega-project
A journalist’s testimony of experiences in the area where the Tumarín hydroelectric dam will be built. crossed with an economist’s analysis and reflections.... continuar...

El Salvador

Thirteen years of joint Venezuela-El Salvador history
Venezuela’s Right and El Salvador’s Right have publicly acknowledged links. There are also obvious links between the FMLN and the Bolivarian Revolution. Hugo Chávez’s solidarity with El Salvador was indisputable; and has even created endearment between their two peoples.... continuar...


Was it genocide or wasn’t it?
The trial of Efraín Ríos Montt and his intelligence chief, accused of genocide and other exceptionally serious violations of the indigenous population’s rights between 1982 and 1983, including the murder of 1,771 Ixil Mayans, fueled a momentous debate in Guatemala: did the military operations of the Army in those years fall into the category of genocide or not? While Ríos Montt was convicted just as this issue went to press, this analysis serves as insight into what the court had to deliberate.... continuar...


In migration’s “science kitchens”
Let’s take a look at what happens in the kitchens where current knowledge on Central American migration is cooked up. In the process, we’ll discover who owns the kitchens, who does their cooking, what plates they’re offering us and how they’re seasoned. In so doing, we’ll see a triple game of domination.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America