Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 132 | Julio 1992



Taking Sides in the Playoffs
The generalized social outburst feared and predicted by the Sandinistas and pooh-poohed by the government finally happened in early May. It came in the form of an unprecedented wave of spontaneous local... continuar...


RAAN BLOCKS TOXIC RECYCLING PLANTS The Regional Council in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN), following multiple negotiations that culminated on May 24, prevented two US companies... continuar...


Peasant and Worker Struggles at a Crossroads: 1. Omens of a Rural Blow-Up
For the umpteenth time in the past two years, the country's stability and the government's capacity to exercise control over society without using repression is up for grabs. On previous occasions,... continuar...


Peasant and Worker Struggles at a Crossroads: 2. Talking with a <i>Recompa</i>
Leonel Martínez (nom de guerre "William") shares the typical timidity and simplicity of Nicaragua's peasants. These qualities, combined with his young age, hide the firmness forged by William's long... continuar...


Peasant and Worker Struggles at a Crossroads: 3. The Urban Movement: Out from Under the FSLN’s Wing
During the Sandinista administration, the union movement reached organizational levels previously unknown in Nicaragua. Nonetheless, the top-down relationship between the FSLN and the Sandinista unions... continuar...


The Views of René Núñez
For years, Rene Núñez was considered the unofficial tenth member of the FSLN's nine-man National Directorate. Brother of Carlos Núñez, who died in October 1990, Rene worked closely with the country's... continuar...

El Salvador

At a Snail's Pace
Amidst errors, the right's unwillingness, the left's justified distrust and even an assassination attempt, the Salvadoran peace process continues very slowly on its course. The implementation of the... continuar...


Undermining Opposition to Structural Adjustment
Since the March 1990 issuance of Decree 18-90, comprising the neoliberal measures now a part of all Latin America's economic reality, Honduran President Leonardo Callejas has been promoting a severe... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America